Sunday May 29, 2022 — Kingdom Disciples


Success is not what you have done compared to what others have done. Success is what you have done compared to what you were supposed to do.
~ Tony Evans, Pastor/Author

Jesus as Lord means that Jesus is to be the supreme Lord and Master. He calls the shots, and he is to be acknowledged in everything that is done. The problem is that too many people want a savior but do not want a Lord.
~ Tony Evans

The planet Mercury is hot. Pluto is cold. Why is Pluto cold and Mercury hot? Mercury is really close to the sun and Pluto is a long way off. The farther you get away, the colder things become, but the closer you get, the hotter things are. You may say that you are not a Pluto Christian or a Mercury Christian. Maybe you are an Earth Christian where things get hot and cold. You may be a seasonal Christian who has changes depending on whether it is wintertime, summertime, springtime, or fall.
God is looking for some Mercury Christians. He is looking for some folks who want to get close and stay hot all the time because they stay close to the S-o-n.
~ Tony Evans

 Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
~ Neale Donald Walsch, 1943-, Author

If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.
~ Ryan Blair, 1973-, Motivational Author/Speaker

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