Category Archives: Fellowship

Fall Festival Game Night

This coming Sunday, September 26th, Randolph Heights is having a game night in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll be playing a variety of card games, including the rightfully notorious Dutch Blitz. Could it get more exciting? Such that during tadalafil online no prescription this condition a man is not capable to enjoy the sexual life, he or she remains depressed and down. The mechanism of the medicine is simple to understand. find out for info purchase cialis online is sildenafil citrate that specializes for excellent treatment of ED.The main function of this chemical ingredient is to improve the blood efficiency in male reproductive area that increase chances of achieving erections during lovemaking making activities. This leads to a reduction in the inflammation that causes myelin sheath breakdown in the spine and lowest price sildenafil neural paths. According to clinical trials of Finpecia (Finasteride), 99% of cialis generika men with androgenic alopecia were successfully treated. There won’t be a meal, but there will be beverages and snacks.

Festivities begin at 7:00 PM and will continue until some unspecified, but reasonable, hour—it is a school night after all. We hope to see you there!