About RHPC

Randolph Heights Presbyterian Church is a neighborhood church in the Presbyterian tradition. Randolph Heights has been bearing witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the corner of Hamline & Palace in St. Paul since 1916. Many have found a spiritual home here over the years.

This is a community which strives to worship and serve God together. Within this community, people freely explore their personal questions about God and the Bible. It’s together that we can better learn the breadth and depth of the Gospel and how it works out in our lives. Then, through the grace and hope of the gospel, we serve those in need and work together towards a thriving community.

This program is organized under five headings as described below:

Gathering: We remember God of Creation. The creator is amazing, perfect, powerful, good and is worthy of our worship and praise. This helps center and prepare our hearts for a time of worship.

Confession and Renewal reminds us that this world is not as God         originally intended it. We express our grief and sorrow over the        brokenness of this world and of our own lives. Our need for grace      never goes away, and it is only by faith in Jesus that we can be made right with God. Within these words of renewal we recognize the truth that God’s redemption of his people has been accomplished in Jesus.

Thanksgiving is our response to the redemptive plan of God. It  is also  an opportunity to express our thanks tangibly.

Ministry of the Word is expressed through reading our scripture passage  for the day, listening to the Word preached, and responding with words of prayer from the congregation.

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The Benediction is a good word to be sent out on.


As a congregation, we aim to be a Christian community within the Macalester-Groveland & Highland Park neighborhoods where all people can belong, where many can find companions in the Christian way of believing, and where we together can become mature disciples, gradually being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ in our lives.